My Mouth Doesn’t Hurt; Why Should I Get a Root Canal?

January 13, 2025

Filed under: Uncategorized — wiesedental @ 10:35 pm
Lady thinks something over

A root canal is a painless restorative procedure that can end a dental infection and the pain it causes so that the tooth can last and function well for many years afterward. However, you may not realize that you can still need this treatment even if you do not notice any oral pain. Here’s a brief guide to why a root canal may be necessary even if your mouth seems perfectly comfortable at the moment.


Cosmetic Dentistry Treatments That Are Completely Safe

November 4, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — wiesedental @ 11:19 pm
Dentist comparing veneers to a patient’s natural teeth

Is there a dental flaw that you wish you could conceal? You’re not alone – many people in the US dream of having a perfect smile. Cosmetic dentistry can help you achieve that dream, but maybe you’ve heard a negative comment or two about how it can affect your oral health.

There’s plenty of misinformation out there about cosmetic dentistry. Fortunately, almost all treatments under this umbrella are non-invasive and completely safe! Keep reading to learn more about some of your options.


4  Myths About Cosmetic Dentistry You Shouldn’t Believe

September 30, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — wiesedental @ 6:02 pm

Myths & facts under torn paperYou can’t put a price on the benefits of a beautiful smile. Unfortunately, few people have perfect teeth naturally. Not to mention, many things can affect their appearance, like drinking a lot of coffee, accidents, and wear and tear. Cosmetic dentistry can give you a picture-perfect smile to be proud of. However, there are many myths about elective services. Don’t let rumors stand in the way of achieving the smile of your dreams. Here are the facts you need behind 4 common cosmetic dentistry myths.


The Truth About Trays: 6 Facts You Should Know Before Getting Invisalign

July 18, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — wiesedental @ 9:13 pm
Woman talking to dentist during consultation

Since the aligners are metal-free and removable, it’s safe to say that Invisalign is much less of a hassle than other orthodontic treatments, like traditional braces. That said, it’s a good idea to read up on what life with clear aligners is actually like. That way, your transition into life with braces is as smooth as possible. With this in mind, keep reading to learn six facts you should know before getting Invisalign!


How Long Can I Wear My Dentures?

May 14, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — wiesedental @ 8:55 pm
Someone holding their dentures

When you first get your dentures, you’ll probably be shocked by the incredible realism they have to offer. Modern prosthetics are startlingly realistic, meaning that when you get yours, it won’t be long before you can imagine that they’re your real teeth.

You might even wonder if that makes it possible to keep your dentures on around the clock. Here’s what you should know about that prospect, and about caring for your prosthetic in general.


Easter Candies That Are Bad for Your Teeth

February 7, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — wiesedental @ 1:02 am
Easter candy

With Easter just around the corner, families are eagerly awaiting the opportunity to indulge in a delightful assortment of treats and candies. While these sweet delights add to the festive atmosphere, it’s crucial to consider their impact on oral health. Join us as we explore some Easter candies that may pose risks to your teeth and discover tips for making healthier choices to maintain your dental well-being during this holiday season.


A Closer Look at Gum Recession: Causes and Timely Treatment

January 3, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — wiesedental @ 11:48 pm
a person showing off their gumline

Gum disease is a menace, affecting roughly half of all adults over the age of 30 to some degree at some point in their lifetime. One of the most devastating symptoms of this condition is gum recession, as it not only affects the look of your smile, but also its overall wellness. Continue reading below to learn a little more about what gum recession is and how it’s caused, along with a few ways that your dentist can help to address the issue and get your smile back to looking and feeling its best.


5 Reasons Why You Might Need a Tooth Extraction

November 16, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — wiesedental @ 4:12 pm
Illustration of a tooth being extracted with forceps

If your dentist tells you that you need to have a tooth extracted, you can be sure that the recommendation isn’t being made lightly. Generally speaking, dentists prefer to use restorative treatments to save teeth whenever they can and view tooth extraction as a last resort. So when is the procedure considered absolutely necessary? Below are 5 reasons why you might need to have a tooth removed.


Getting a Crown? Your Tooth Will Be Safe and Sound! Here’s What to Expect at the Appointment

September 13, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — wiesedental @ 11:12 pm

A dental crown can restore a tooth that has been severely weakened by injury, tooth decay, or another dental procedure like a root canal. Dental crowns are common among the general population, customized to fit the teeth being treated, and can be placed in as few as two appointments. Here’s what you can expect to happen while having your teeth coronated.


Why Did My Toothache Suddenly Go Away?

June 4, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — wiesedental @ 11:12 pm
closeup of someone wincing from a toothache

Sometimes, patients will tell their dentists that a toothache seemed like it popped up out of nowhere. While this can certainly happen sometimes due to damage, it’s just as likely that there’s been a long-standing infection within the tooth that has reached a critical point.

Funnily enough, patients also sometimes notice that deeply uncomfortable toothaches suddenly disappear, almost as suddenly as they showed up. While this may feel like a relief, it also rarely tells the whole story about what’s happened. Here’s what a toothache suddenly disappearing actually means.

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